Mar 01, 2024
6 weeks
March 1, 2024
2024 Secondary School Field Research Program Application - Undergraduate Team Leader


The SSFRP is a summer internship in field and laboratory science at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) ( Lamont-Doherty is part of Columbia University’s new Climate School. Research at Lamont touches on all aspects of earth and environmental sciences, including climate, geology, earth systems, and ecology.  We study all of the earth’s major systems and processes, from the molten core, through the continents and oceans, to the top of the atmosphere. High School students participating in the SSFRP will work in field research teams mentored by Columbia scientists and undergraduate science majors. We conduct research on ecology, earth and environmental sciences. Our field site is primarily the Piermont Marsh (near the Lamont campus in Rockland) and New York City. Teams consist of high school students, college students, science teachers and Lamont-Doherty scientists. Students collect all of their own samples and do most of their own lab work. The goal is to produce original research and present findings to the Lamont community and peers


  • Must currently be an Undergraduate Student.
  • Team leaders are selected based on interest in science and capacity for leadership. They need to demonstrate caring for younger students and empathy for the struggles of children finding their way in a new, adult, environment.
  • They will have to be patient and detail oriented. They will need to be good at planning ahead, anticipating logistical and organizational problems, and solving problems as they arise. They will have to collaborate well with their peers as well as with their scientist-mentors and the Program leadership.