Feb 22, 2024
10 weeks
February 22, 2024
2024 Summer Earth Intern Program


The Earth Intern Program offers the chance to experience scientific research as an undergraduate. The program is open to all Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, Columbia General Studies, and Barnard College students who have completed their junior or sophomore year in college with majors (or anticipated majors) in earth science, environmental science, chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, engineering, sustainable development, or political science. Graduating seniors are not eligible. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have an interest in conducting research in the Earth, atmospheric, or ocean sciences. Completion of at least two courses in Earth, atmospheric, or ocean sciences is desirable. All students are preferred to have at least one year of calculus (high school or college) and/or good grades in college-level mathematics. Students undertaking research in geochemistry and chemical oceanography are required to have at least two semesters of college-level chemistry. Students undertaking research in marine biology are required to have at least two semesters of college-level biology. Students undertaking research in geophysics should have at least three semesters of college-level physics.


  • The program is open to all Columbia College, Columbia Engineering, Columbia General Studies, and Barnard students who have completed their junior or sophomore year in college with majors (or anticipated majors) in earth science, environmental science, sustainable development, chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, engineering or political science.
  • Graduating seniors are not eligible
  • Minorities and women are encouraged to apply

New York