Mar 01, 2024
10 weeks
March 1, 2024
A Summer Experience for Undergraduates Integrating Research, Education, and Career Development in an Interdisciplinary Environment


Since 1988 (35 years), the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kansas has been a proud sponsor of a National Science Foundation-supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program (REU).

The program provides initial research experiences for a diverse group of 10-12 students in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment.  Undergraduates attending any U.S. university or college who are majoring in chemistry or a closely related field, and who are considering a career and perhaps graduate study in chemistry, are encouraged to apply.

Key components of this program are career enhancement and educational activities that encourage and prepare the students for graduate studies and careers in emerging and interdisciplinary areas of the chemical sciences (the current focus is sustainability in chemistry).  Close interactions between the participants and their faculty, graduate student, and postdoctoral mentors provide guidance and feedback throughout the program and beyond.  In addition, students develop important skills for oral and written presentation of their research accomplishments and are encouraged to present their REU outcomes at national or regional scientific meetings (with financial support from the program).

Each participant in the KU Chemistry REU program receives a $7,000 stipend plus full room and board and a travel allowance, a total value of approximately $10,000.


  • The program provides initial research experiences for a diverse group of 10-12 students in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment.  
  • Undergraduates attending any U.S. university or college who are majoring in chemistry or a closely related field, and who are considering a career and perhaps graduate study in chemistry, are encouraged to apply.