Mar 20, 2024
10 weeks
March 20, 2024
Advanced Technologies for Hypersonic, Propulsive, Energetic and sable Platforms (HYPER)


This REU site cultivates and unites multidisciplinary interests to study advanced structures and systems with application to hypersonics, space, propulsion and energy.

Participants will gain hands on research training in contemporary challenges such as utilizing advanced manufacturing techniques for high-value components, integrating in site monitoring of stress-strain evolution, developing novel methods for improved internal cooling and heat transfer effectiveness, and mitigating flutter through advanced rotor dynamic control. Many of these challenges rely on approaches that cut across disciplines and research techniques.


To be eligible to join HYPER, applicants must:

  • be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • not plan to graduate prior to December 2023
  • have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Women and students from underrepresented minority groups in engineering are strongly encouraged to apply.

HYPER participants will arrive at UCF’s main campus by the program start date. Participants will commit 40 hours per week to REU activities, including research, professional development seminars and site visits. HYPER participants are disallowed from participating in outside activities (i.e., coursework, internships, co-ops or other service responsibilities).
