Feb 13, 2023
10 weeks
February 13, 2023
Aerim: Automotive and Energy Research and Industrial Mentorship Reu Program


Are you a motivated undergraduate student who is interested in spending 10 weeks this summer working on exciting automotive and energy research projects?

Would you like to immerse yourself in industrial/automotive research projects and experience one-on-one interactions with faculty, industrial mentors and graduate students?

Would you also like to learn more about graduate school or engineering and research careers, develop strong mentoring relationships, improve your communication skills, go on field trips and improve your resume?

Are you interested in enriching your research experience with an outreach activity aimed at getting kids excited about STEM fields?

If you answered yes to these questions, then the AERIM: Automotive and Energy Research and Industrial Mentorship Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at Oakland University (OU) is for you!

Please take the time to browse through our website to learn about our program and feel free to contact us with any questions. We strongly encourage women, minority, first generation in college, and community college students to apply. No prior automotive or research experience required!


  • Undergraduate engineering, science or math students graduating after the December following the summer program (Freshmen, undeclared majors and community college students are welcome to apply) with an interest in working on automotive and energy-related research topics.
  • GPA: 3.0 or above
  • In accordance with National Science Foundation requirements, all participants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
  • Students cannot be working or taking classes at the same time as the program.
  • While we welcome students of all backgrounds, we strongly encourage women,  underrepresented minority, and first generation college students to apply. Community college students planning to transfer to a 4-year STEM program are also welcome to apply.
  • No prior automotive or research experience required!