Feb 01, 2024
9 weeks
February 1, 2024
Amgen Scholars Program


The Yale BioMed Amgen Scholars Program is a research-intensive summer training program in biomedical research for undergraduate students who plan to obtain a PhD or MD-PhD in the biomedical sciences. We particularly encourage students who are members of groups underrepresented in the sciences, who are the first in their families to college, who are from inner city or rural communities, or who have grown up with financial or other disadvantage to apply.

The aims of Yale BioMed Amgen Scholars Program are: to identify applicants interested in biomedical research careers; to provide them with an intensive research and didactic experience in biomedicine during a 9-week residency at Yale School of Medicine; and to provide faculty and peer mentoring resources that extend throughout and beyond the program.

The goals of this program are to recruit students from diverse backgrounds and experiences to careers in biomedical research and to provide them with knowledge, skills and resources to help them succeed as scientists or physician-scientists. We expect participants of this program to successfully apply to and complete graduate training programs (PhD or MD-PhD) in biomedical sciences, and to pursue careers in research and/or teaching after graduation. We anticipate that Yale BioMed Amgen Scholars Program students will become highly competitive applicants to graduate training programs at Yale University and other premier institutions.

Accepted students will be provided with a $4,275 stipend, a $725 food allowance and housing on the medical school campus. The cost of travel to and from New Haven will be reimbursed up to $750. Travel and hotel expenses will be covered for one parent to travel to New Haven for the closing symposium and events. Students must participate in the entire 9-week curriculum.

Each student will be matched with the laboratory of a research mentor at the School of Medicine, and will pursue a research project under the supervision of the research mentor. Hands-on training in research techniques, data acquisition and analysis will be provided. Students will be integrated into the research activities of the mentor’s laboratory and will be expected to participate in lab meetings, journal clubs and other scientific activities.

In addition, all BioMed Amgen Scholars will participate in program specific events, including:

  • Weekly faculty-led journal clubs
  • Weekly peer-mentoring forums
  • Career development sessions: focus on preparing for graduate school or MD-PhD
  • Physician-scientist shadowing experiences
  • Networking opportunities with researchers
  • At the end of the summer, students will present their research in the form of a poster and brief oral synopsis at the closing symposium. Other events during the closing symposium will include research talks from faculty and trainees, a panel discussion on careers in the biomedical sciences, and an opportunity for students and parents to meet and talk to Yale University professors, administrators and students.


  • Are United States citizens or permanent residents
  • Attend an accredited four-year college or university in the United States, Puerto Rico, or other US territories
  • Must be rising juniors or seniors
  • Have completed at least one semester of college-level biology, chemistry or physics at the time of application

      • Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or above

      • Have an interest in pursuing a PhD or MD-PhD

New Haven