Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
Amgen Scholars Program


Amgen Scholars at Harvard will participate in a full-time 10-week residential summer research program, where they will be paired with faculty hosts. In addition to research, the Amgen Scholars Program at Harvard believes in a three-dimensional approach that includes a variety of pre-professional development, scholarly development, and social engagement activities to encompass a dynamic, holistic process for training the next generation of scientists.

The Amgen Scholars Program features:

I. Pre-Professional Development

Workshops and panel discussions on:

Effective Science Communication

Funding Opportunities for Graduate Education

Graduate School and Medical School Admissions and Preparation

The PhD Student Experience

Life in the Academy

Career Opportunities in Academia and Industry

Attendance to the Amgen Scholars Symposium in Los Angeles, CA sponsored by the Amgen Foundation

Networking opportunities with graduate students, senior scientists, industry professionals

II. Scholarly Development

Research talks by faculty, post-docs and graduate students

Research Integrity Training

Science Communication Practice and Critique

III. Social Engagement Activities

Exploring Boston & Cambridge

Cohort social events

Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village BBQs and affiliate program social events

Networking with graduate student Amgen Scholar Program alumni


The Amgen Scholars Program at Harvard selects undergraduates with high academic success, research interests in the biotechnology fields, and commitment to the pursuit of a career in science.

Amgen Scholars applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents (students who have questions about eligibility should contact the program directly)
  • Undergraduate students enrolled in accredited four-year colleges or universities in the United States, Puerto Rico or other U.S. territories
  • Sophomores (with four quarters or three semesters of college experience), juniors or non-graduating seniors (who are returning in the fall to continue undergraduate studies)

Applicants must also have:

  • A cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or above (on a 4.0 scale)
  • An interest in pursuing a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.
  • The program especially encourages applications from individuals who come from groups traditionally underrepresented in the STEM fields – African American/Black, Chicano/Latino/Hispanic, Puerto Rican, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, women, and those with disabilities – as well as individuals who come from rural or inner-city areas and individuals whose backgrounds and experiences would bring diversity to the biotechnology fields.

Previous research experience is not a requirement for participation in the program.


Harvard-Amgen Scholars are expected to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Participate fully for 10 contiguous weeks (early June through mid-August) in the Amgen Scholars Program. Amgen Scholars cannot take courses or hold a job throughout the duration of the program. Amgen Scholars must be present for the entirety of the program.
  • Live on campus in one of Harvard’s historic River Houses in the Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village.
  • Participate fully in the laboratory culture of the research group, including lab meetings or other gatherings.
  • Attend all required seminars, workshops, weekly activities, and social events.
  • Attend the Amgen Scholars National Symposium in July at UCLA.
  • Must live in the provided UCLA Housing for the duration on the symposium.
  • Present summer research project at final oral presentation.
  • Complete pre- and post-program surveys.