Mar 15, 2024
10 weeks
March 15, 2024
Applied Computing Research in Unmanned Aerial Systems


The Department of Computing Sciences at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi will host an NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program on applied computing research in unmanned aerial systems (UAS). The program offers a unique opportunity to undergraduate students nation-wide, including the students of under-represented groups, to participate in research in UAS and their applications. The objective of the program is to provide participants unique research experiences in a stimulating environment that will involve developing secure, autonomous UAS technology and using them for knowledge discovery. The focus of this REU is to seek solutions to facilitate collection, storage, and analysis of data on the coastal environment of the Gulf of Mexico, particularly in South Texas through developing algorithms and software systems.

Undergraduate student researchers will work on a team of two students guided by a faculty mentor. Approximately ten students will be supported for a 10-week program in summer.

REU Objectives

Provide students research experiences in applied computing with research focus on unmanned aerial systems (UAS).

Enhance the technical writing, oral presentation, and communication skills.

Instill ethics, professionalism, and the value of collegiality and group interaction.

Accomplish high quality research work leading to publications by the students.

Produce a lasting effect of the experience on each student influencing his or her decision for a career path or future education in computing.


  • U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.
  • Majoring in computer science, computer engineering, or any other related disciplines
  • A GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Sophomore, junior or senior.
  • Must not graduate before December 2024.
Corpus Christi