Feb 05, 2024
10 weeks
February 5, 2024
Astronomy and Astrophysics and Planetary Science Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)


Students will work on individual research projects with Cornell faculty and research staff on a wide range of topics in planetary science, solar system exploration, astrobiology, exoplanets, radio, infrared, and submillimeter astronomy, and related theoretical topics as well as astronomical instrumentation. In addition to their research, students will participate in a series of group activities including lectures, roundtables and workshops and one or two field trips.

For each participant, a stipend of $6,000.00 will be provided for the ten week session, plus $1,250.00 for housing and meals and up to $800.00 for travel to and from Ithaca. The program will also provide up to $1,000.00 to travel to present results at a professional meeting, observe or other research-related activities. Tentative program dates, to be confirmed by February 28, 2024, are Monday, June 3, 2024 to Friday, August 9, 2024. In case of conflict with a student’s academic schedules, dates may be adjusted if approved by the student’s mentor after an offer is made.


  • To be eligible, undergraduate students must be US citizens or permanent residents. Eligible candidates must have completed at least one year of undergraduate academic training by June 2024 and will graduate at or after the end of the 2024 fall semester or quarter at their school.
  • Astronomy, astrophysics, planetary science, physics, geophysics, computer science and engineering students are encouraged to apply.
  • REU projects offer an opportunity to tap the nation's diverse student talent pool and broaden participation in science and engineering. Women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities, veterans and other non-traditional students are encouraged to apply.