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Once chosen as Beckman Scholars, the students embark upon a 15-month program designed to enrich their development as students and scientists through innovative research, mentoring, collaboration and practice in effective communication. The program offers students a unique opportunity to become immersed in the scientific community and develop as future leaders in the community. Scholars explore their discipline, experience a research environment, and improve their opportunities for future study in their chosen field. Each Scholar is mentored by one of the specified Beckman faculty members from across UCSB science and engineering departments who assists the student in designing a plan of research and enrichment activities fitted to the individual interests and academic goals of the Scholar which includes:
2 paid summers ($6,800 each summer) and one academic-year ($4,600) research training
Up to $1,200 for travel to professional or scientific society meetings
Up to $1,600 for research supplies
Weekly professional development workshops and research seminars during the summer
Academic year leadership course "Science for the Common Good" during the academic year of the program
Oral and written science communication skills development
Outreach and peer leadership opportunities Networking events throughout the year
Participation in graduate level professional development seminars/workshops