Feb 06, 2024
10 weeks
February 6, 2024
Bioinformatics REU


At BTI, molecular biologists and computer scientists are working together at the forefront of biological discovery to solve real world problems. With novel technologies, researchers can now access entire genome sequences, and the details of the proteome, transcriptome, and metabolome of many organisms, to better understand biological systems and interactions. Though information-rich, the size and complexity of these data sets pose new challenges for scientists and society. The growing field of bioinformatics addresses these challenges.

Bioinformatics undergraduate researchers will focus on data analysis and developing computational tools and resources to store, analyze, and integrate large-scale “omics” data sets. Students applying with interests in bioinformatics projects should have some prior experience with computer programming, and an interest in the subject. Interested undergraduate students should apply through the BTI application form and select projects within the “Bioinformatics” section.


  • All applicants will be required to submit an essay, unofficial transcripts, resume, and 2 letters of recommendation.
  • In order to be eligible for our undergraduate programs, students must be US citizens or permanent residents
  • Have not graduated from college by the start of our program June 2, 2024, and over the age of 18