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This program provides two weeks of classroom, field, and laboratory work to build technical, scientific, communications, and ethics skills with guest and mentor lectures followed by a 2-day research cruise aboard the R/V Savannah.
During the final six weeks of the program, students will be actively engaged in research projects at Savannah State University, the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary in Savannah, and UGA MAREX Aquarium and Shellfish Laboratory. Students will keep a research log, develop a seminar presentation, and submit a formal written research report.
The ‘Bridge Program’ is based on more than 25 years of experience and success in attracting, retaining, and preparing individuals, particularly early in their college career and from groups underrepresented in the marine and geosciences, for success through degree programs, research experiences, inter-institutional collaboration, and connection-making.