Mar 10, 2024
2 weeks
March 10, 2024
C-Tech² - Computers and Technology at Virginia Tech


C-Tech² offers an opportunity to learn about college life--from residence halls to classrooms and everything in-between. It provides access to information and technology necessary to best prepare you for your future. The C-Tech² program targets rising junior and senior high school girls.

The C-Tech² camp will be held June–July.

What is C-Tech² all about?

Exploring applications of engineering in a way that is fun and exciting.

Spending time involved in hands-on activities designed to increase your interest in and knowledge of applications of engineering to real world situations.

Attending seminars to help you prepare for the college application process.

Interacting with others interested in pursuing careers in various engineering fields.

Completing an engineering design project

Meeting industry representatives and learning about what they’re looking for. 


The C-Tech² application has two components.

1. Applicant Information Form

  • Personal information
  • Leadership, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities
  • Essays (not to exceed 120 words each)
  • Grade Transcript (does not need to be official)

2. Parent Information Form

  • Personal information
  • Financial statement
  • Parent/legal guardian consent

You will be emailed a link for your parent/guardian to complete this form once you submit the application.
