10 weeks
Careers in Science and Medicine (CSM-SIP)


The Careers in Science and Medicine Summer Internship Program is the undergraduate component of the Johns Hopkins Initiative for Careers in Science and Medicine. The CSM Initiative seeks to partner with scholars from low-income and educationally under-resourced backgrounds to help them build the accomplishments, skills, network, and support necessary to achieve advanced careers in biomedical, medical, health-related, and STEM professions.

Scholars spend 10 weeks conducting high level research with a faculty mentor, and receiving guidance on financial planning, graduate school applications, and career exploration while enjoying lunches and other events with faculty specializing in a wide variety of science and health related areas of study.


  • To be considered low-income for our program, your household or family income must be under 200% of the federal poverty limit, which is defined in part by the number of members in the household.
  • We require applicants upload the first 2 pages of their family’s 2020 or 2021 tax return in order to verify you meet income guidelines (feel free to remove social security numbers when you upload) or two consecutive pay stubs. If providing tax returns or pay stubs is prohibitive, please contact us at sip@jhu.edu.

CSM-SIP scholars must also be educationally under-resourced, and can meet this eligibility requirement by fitting any ONE of the following criteria:

  • (a) first-generation college student, or
  • (b) from a single-parent household, or
  • (c) attended (or would have attended, based on where you lived) a high school where the majority of students are from low-income households, or
  • (d) have a diagnosed physical, mental, or learning-related disability.
  • There are additional ways to meet this eligibility; to discuss, please contact the SIP team at sip@jhu.edu.
  • Students also must have completed at least one year of college by the start of the summer program and
  • be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to qualify.