10 weeks
Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates


REU participants are research apprentices that position themselves to become research masters later on!

Participation in our REU program will provide you a comprehensive overview of laboratory techniques in your area of choice needed to carry out graduate-level research (see Proposed Research Projects). You will work intensely in a lab alongside graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and your faculty sponsor to bring your project to fruition. Many publications with REU co-authors were the result of this collaboration.  In past years, REU participants also received travel fellowships from our program to attend a national or regional American Chemical Society Meeting (see also Publications with REU Co-authors).

In addition, you will receive training in laboratory hygiene and learn how to work safely in the lab, be taught to recognize and follow ethical practices in research with guidance from experts in ethics in science. You will also receive special instruction in effective written and oral presentation of research results, keep a research notebook and write a research abstract, present a seminar talk for the whole Department, present a poster of your work, and get guidance on career choices from experienced faculty. All in all, this is the best way to experience the intellectual delights of discovery and to secure a foundation for making informed decisions regarding future (graduate) careers.


  • The NSF stipulates that participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled as Chemistry (or related fields) Majors who have completed their sophomore or junior year by June.
  • We seek to expose applicants from primarily non-Ph.D. granting institutions to a stimulating research environment.  
  • We especially encourage women and to apply to our program. UConn students cannot apply.