Mar 01, 2024
10 weeks
March 1, 2024
CISTAR - Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Engineering


The CISTAR REU program partners with the Purdue Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program to provide a hands-on research experience for undergraduate students to stimulate their interest in advanced education and research careers.  Selected students will engage in research this summer on Purdue's West Lafayette, Indiana campus. CISTAR/SURF matches undergraduates from other institutions with a faculty member and graduate student mentor who introduce them to the research tools used on the cutting edges of science, engineering, and technology.                                                      


- It is a paid, 10-week, immersive summer research guided by the faculty and graduate student mentors.

- The stipend is $6,000.

- In addition to research activities, students will participate in weekly professional development workshops and tours/information sessions with CISTAR 35 corporate partners.

- The program culminates with a student research symposium where all fellows present a technical poster or an oral talk and a final report.

- Selected students participate in research activities on campus over 10 weeks in the summer, with housing and travel to campus provided.

- Participants can apply for additional funding to attend a professional conference (for example, AIChE or ACS) during the 2024-2025 academic year.


  • Must be US citizens or permanent residents,
  • Currently enrolled in a college or university, and attending in the fall.
  • Students from underrepresented minority groups, women, persons with disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

West Lafayette