Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
COLDEX Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)


COLDEX is The Center for Oldest Ice Exploration. It is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (STC) founded in October 2021. COLDEX is a partnership between 14 different institutions across the United States with a mission to find the oldest ice in Antarctica and increase the diversity of polar researchers in the future.

Students should be working full time on their research project for approximately 10 weeks over the summer. Students are expected to attend the online orientation at the start of the summer and the majority of weekly professional development workshops. Students are also highly encouraged to attend monthly research seminars and COLDEX group meetings.


  • Student participants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents.
  • Students may apply to participate for the summer after their first year through the summer after they graduate from an undergraduate program.
