Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024
Research Experience for Undergraduates at University of Oregon Environmental Summer Research in Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science


University of Oregon and the National Science Foundation sponsor a 10 week summer undergraduate research program for Physics and Chemistry majors to participate in a wide variety of exciting research projects. It’s not all work, however. Having local and regional adventures are a vital component of the program.

The Oregon REU program offers a variety of research projects for students interested in chemistry, physics, environmental chemistry, optics and materials science. Students work closely with faculty advisors, graduate students, and other research undergraduates for a unique summer experience.

This REU program provides a cutting edge interdisciplinary research experience supplanted with career building and mentoring activities that provide training and practice in the transferable skills that are so essential for success in the next stage of education, and/or employment. In addition to weekly research seminars given by participating faculty, throughout the summer, weekly brown-bag lunches on career building topics indicated below are given. These short courses are an outgrowth of the COACh career development workshops for students, faculty and researchers that Dr. Richmond has helped create and conduct across the country.

Career Launch and Acceleration

Persuasive Scientific Presentations

The Power of Persuasion

The Art of Effective Negotiation

Publishing Research Results in Peer Reviewed Journals

Preparing for Graduate School

Along with the skills learned through research and these workshops, each student is individually coached and guided towards an effective, professional research talk in order to improve their speaking and presentation skills. At the end of the 10-week program, students summarize their projects and present to the group about the research they’ve conducted.



  • You must be a US citizen to be eligible for this program.