Feb 23, 2024
1 week
February 23, 2024
Conservation Science Intensive


Conservation Science Intensive is a residential immersion program that gives teens an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in science, explore different pathways into the field of conservation, and build relationships with mentors across multiple professions. Now in its eighth year, the program draws students from across the country.

Conservation Science Intensive centers on the feminine, which includes those who are socialized as, or identify with, the terms girl/young woman, as well as those who transcend our inherited gender binaries. We are committed to creating safe, inclusive, and accessible spaces for all participants.

The program is designed to encourage young women to develop a stronger connection to themselves, each other, and the natural world while learning about and practicing conservation science, stewardship, and nature journaling. The 5-day, 4-night collaborative expeditionary experience also challenges participants—individually and collectively—physically, creatively, and intellectually, as they work with and learn from Audubon Canyon Ranch’s highly-skilled conservation biologists, ecologists, educators, and guest instructors in a variety of conservation fields.

Our residential program will run 5 days/4 nights and will include extensive time on the land, natural history skill building (tracking, botany, birding, working with maps/GPS, etc.), stewardship and conservation projects, directed journaling, solo time, team building, and group discussion, all within a framework of strong leadership—a culture of safety, encouragement, loving kindness, and mutual respect on all levels and at all times.

This program is best suited for individuals with a budding interest in conservation science and a desire to think deeply, explore with curiosity, actively participate in science exploration, and build a community around shared interests.


  • Participants must be entering their junior year of high school, senior year of high school, or first year of college in the Fall of 2024 to qualify.
  • We do not look for the most experienced candidates, rather the candidates who could get the most out of this experience. Don’t let any concerns about prior experience keep you from applying. Β 
  • Conservation Science Intensive centers on the feminine, which includes those who are socialized as, or identify with, the terms girl/young woman, as well as those who transcend our inherited gender binaries. Our team is committed to uplifting and being inclusive of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Queer, Trans, and Gender Non-binary individuals.
Stinson Beach