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The Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) program introduces Massachusetts high school and college students from underrepresented populations to the world of cancer research by placing them in real research settings at local cancer research institutions. Our goal is to encourage students to pursue future careers in the biosciences—particularly cancer research—giving practical meaning to academic course work and to expand and extend their interest in basic, clinical and/or population science research. At the same time, students make a valuable contribution to the DF/HCC research mission. By participating in a program at DF/HCC—an NCI comprehensive cancer center with more than 1100 researchers across seven Harvard institutions—students will learn from experts who are devoted to preventing, treating and curing cancer.
Program Features:
* Underrepresented minorities in the sciences include Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans/Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.