Feb 23, 2024
9 weeks
February 23, 2024
Cornell Geopaths Geoscience Learning Ecosystem (CorGGLE) Summer Internship Program


CorGGLE is a new nine-week summer program that allows students from non-geoscience fields to explore opportunities for geoscience graduate study, specifically giving them exposure to myriad socially relevant careers in the geosciences.

Students will conduct a research project with distinguished faculty and staff, present their work, learn about geoscience careers from practitioners, receive training in professional skills and network with others in their field of interest through weekly luncheons.

During the summer, students will work on a research project with distinguished faculty and staff in one of these areas:

- Energy & Water Resources

- Environmental Science

- Climate Change

- Natural Hazards

- Remote Sensing & Geographical Information Systems

Participants will also receive mentoring from folks working in these careers as well as professional development and the chance to network with others in their fields of interest.

Read here an article about the program.

CorGGLE stands for Cornell Geopaths Geoscience Learning Ecosystem (CorGGLE) and is funded by the National Science Foundation GeoPaths program that is part of the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative.

CorGGLE is housed within Cornell Engineering’s Office of Diversity Programs in Engineering (DPE) and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS).

For additional questions, contact Matt Pritchard at pritchard@cornell.edu


  • Participants of CoRGGLE must be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents
  • Students from groups underrepresented in the sciences are particularly encouraged to apply, including, but not limited to:
  • first generation college students,
  • those with veteran status,
  • those who manage a disability,
  • being of a gender and/or sexual orientation identity historically under-represented in the geosciences,
  • single parents,
  • those who have experienced housing and/or food insecurity,
  • member of an ethnic or racial group historically excluded from and underrepresented in graduate education – Black, Indigenous (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or other Native Pacific Islander) and/or Latinx.
  • We encourage applications from students who attend or attended our partner institutions: Bennett College; Hunter College; Morgan State University; Rutgers University-Newark; State University of New York at Oneonta
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing.  There is not a specific GPA requirement, although grades will be considered as one component of a holistic review of student accomplishments and goals.
  • Demonstrate an interest in pursuing graduate study;
  • Have completed at least two semesters of college by the start of the Summer Research Program and either attended or graduated from college in that last 5 years without completing a graduate degree in the geosciences.
  • We encourage applications from undergraduates with majors across STEM fields, including environmental science, physics, chemistry, geography, engineering, math, applied math, biology and computer science as well as social and behavioral sciences.  In an effort to encourage students outside the geosciences to pursue graduate degrees in the geosciences, preference will be given to students with majors outside of geoscience and Earth and Atmospheric Science.
