Feb 21, 2024
10 weeks
February 21, 2024
Critical Zone Collaborative Network Research Experiences For Undergraduates (CZNET-REU)


The program begins with a three-day kick-off Meeting at a central location where students will get to know each other and the leadership team, learn about CZ issues and research approaches, and begin exploring the connections between CZ science and society. Each student will spend the remainder of the ten-week program at an institution in the CZ Network. There, they will work closely with a mentor scientist and their research lab group to design and carry out a project focusing on one of many environmental problems important to society. During the summer, the cohort of students will meet virtually 2-3 times each week to stay connected to each other, participate in science communication and other types of training, work on collaborative team projects, and explore the connection between CZ science and society.

The summer program ends with a virtual Student Research Symposium and Final Celebration with all mentors, other CZ Net scientists and educators, friends, and family in attendance. CZNet-REU students will have the opportunity to present their research at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in December of each year, where they will reconnect with their cohort and network with scientists from CZNet and across the discipline.


  • U.S. citizen, U.S. national or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Full-time undergraduate student in geosciences or related field
  • Students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors in the 2024-25 academic year.
  • Students from community colleges or institutions with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.
