Feb 27, 2023
10 weeks
February 27, 2023
Data Science Across Disciplines


This Data Science Across Disciplines Research

Experiences for Undergraduates Site (DSADREU) will immerse undergraduate students in an interdisciplinary research-intensive training and

mentoring program.

We are seeking motivated undergraduate students of all levels majoring in data science, computer science, staƟsƟcs, mathemaƟcs or related



  • Research themes/projects from different areas in data science such as core data science, exercise science, healthcare, social science and spaƟal analyƟcs.
  • Mentoring by researchers at MarqueƩe University, Milwaukee, WI.
  • Professional and leadership development opportuniƟes.
  • Poster presentaƟon, technical report and publicaƟon opportuniƟes.


Applicants must:

  • Be a United States citizen or permanent resident,
  • Be unemployed for the ten weeks of the program, or on leave / not actively working, and
  • Be an undergraduate student in good standing in a major related to data science, computer science, mathematics.