Mar 01, 2024
10 weeks
March 1, 2024
Delaware INBRE Summer Student Research Program


Delaware INBRE Summer Student Research Program

What is the Summer Student Research Program?

The Delaware INBRE Summer Student Research Program is an undergraduate summer research program sponsored through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) through funding to the Delaware INBRE program. In a partnership with five state institutions, including Christiana Care, Delaware Technical Community College, Delaware State University, Nemours Children’s Hospital, and the University of Delaware, selected undergraduate students are able to carry out independent research projects while studying full-time under a mentor to gain knowledge of research techniques and making unique scholarly or original impacts to the biomedical sciences.

Regional summer opportunities are available in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire & Rhode Island.  Contact the INBRE education office at your school or email, before applying to the regional programs.

Students are required to attend all mandatory Delaware INBRE events and also participate in an oral or poster presentation at the Research Symposium at the conclusion of the program. Scholars will be required to sign an agreement adhering to all terms and conditions of the program. Underrepresented minority groups and veterans are especially encouraged to apply.


All undergraduate students are eligible to apply, provided that they

  • Are enrolled full-time as a rising sophomore or above;
  • Delaware resident or attend Delaware college/university; and
  • Are U.S. citizens or permanent residents