Feb 22, 2024
9 weeks
February 22, 2024
DIAMONDS: Directed and Mentored Opportunities in Data Science


The Tufts DIAMONDS REU will be directed and managed by Tufts Center for STEM Diversity (CSD), in collaboration with the Tufts Computer Science department. The DIAMONDS REU aims to provide a directed, intensive and mentored opportunity in Data Science, and we are committed to open pathways to data science research to under-represented undergraduate students. This REU will emphasize the interdisciplinary aspects of data science, enabling students to develop skills in data analysis, analytical thinking, and problem solving, as well as technical presentation development and delivery. Our DIAMONDS REU program will engage a diverse cohort of 10 undergraduate students in interdisciplinary data science-driven discovery and innovation, combining an individual research experience well integrated into both the faculty mentor’s research group and the larger DIAMONDS community. The centerpiece of DIAMONDS is for the student DIAMONDS Scholars to have the opportunity to work with a faculty research mentor on a data science research problem. During the REU program, the science experience is coupled with: (1) a rich set of programming around how to approach the research to get the most out of the time, (2) professional development experiences focused on pathways to graduate school or data science careers in industry, and (3) social events aimed at building a strong peer mentoring cohort among the students of the program. As DIAMONDS Scholars progress through the program, students will gain (1) the ability to critically analyze data and synthesize information; (2) awareness of tools for data analysis; (3) the ability to critique and generate material for scientific communication; and (4) awareness of guidelines for ethical conduct in research.


  • Students will have completed at least two Computer Science programming courses equivalent to the first two required courses for a Computer Science or Data Science undergraduate major. This REU is focused on broadening participation, so we encourage under-represented students and their allies to apply.
  • U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States
  • Students must have successfully completed at least one semester of undergraduate studies
  • Students expected graduation dates should be December 2024 or later (i.e. Students are expected to be enrolled in an undergraduate program in the semester following the completion of the REU.)
