Jan 31, 2024
9 weeks
January 31, 2024
DIMACS REU in Algorithms from Foundations to Applications


DIMACS, with National Science Foundation sponsorship, has offered an REU program since 1992. The DIMACS REU program includes many associated subprograms. These include:

The DIMACS REU NSF-site program (funded by NSF) offers projects focused on Computer Science.

The DIMACS/DIMATIA REU collaboration offers an opportunity for students to interact with representatives from our sister site DIMATIA at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Three to five DIMACS students are selected to spend the final two weeks of the program at DIMATIA in Prague. Students selected to participate in this program generally exhibit strong interests in combinatorics.

The EU-funded H2020-MSCA-RISE project CoSP- GA No. 823748 supports a number of Czech students from DIMATIA who spend the summer at DIMACS conducting research

The Rutgers Math Department program offers projects mentored by members of the Rutgers Mathematics Department.

The DATA-INSPIRE TRIPODS Institute supports research projects on intelligent, interactive machines based on data science, under the mentorship of CS, Math, and Statistics faculty.

The Rutgers IC CAE Research Fellows program (Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence, DIA) supports five undergraduate students to conduct research on the field of critical technology studies as it relates to intelligence and national security.

The Barnard Computer Science - Summer Research program, which is supported by a gift from Craig Newmark Philanthropies and the Clare Boothe Luce Program for Women in STEM funded by the Henry Luce Foundation.

We've consolidated the organization of the programs to create a larger interactive group experience for the participants and so that the programs may share a single coordinator. The source of funds to support the students and some of the departmental staff are separate for the NSF-site, the Math Department, the TRIPODS, and the IC-CAE programs.

The program in short

You will spend 9 weeks in DIMACS at Rutgers (tentative days: May 28-July 26 2024).

This is an in-person program at Rutgers and you are expected to be here for the entire duration.

You will be matched with a Rutgers faculty member, who will mentor you in your project.

The project will be original research, based on the mentor's research interests.

There are no courses to attend during these 9 weeks.

You will be part of the DIMACS REU cohort, which is roughly 30-40 students per year.

Every student works on a different project.

There are many organized events, such as seminars and field trips to industrial partners.

The program will cover your housing in Rutgers student apartments.

You will receive a stipend for the duration of the program.

A small number of participants will spend the last 2 weeks of the program at Charles University, in Prague.


  • Only U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible to apply.
  • You need to be an active student, enrolled in a US or foreign University.
  • You should not have graduated before the end of the REU program, i.e. most seniors are not eligible.
  • Our program primarily accepts students who apply as juniors, as well as some exceptional sophomores. We do not usually admit freshmen.
  • You cannot have any other commitment during the program, such as a summer job or enrollment in summer classes.
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