Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024


The NSF funded KBS REU Site “Understanding biological responses to global change in a field station community” gives students an opportunity to conduct full-time research in collaboration with our outstanding faculty, postdocs and graduate students.

All REU participants will receive a generous stipend, room and board at KBS, funding towards travel costs, and funding for research supplies.

What are the benefits of an REU at KBS?

Join a dynamic group of students and faculty for an authentic field research experience

Learn the process of research: reading literature, formulating questions and hypotheses, designing a study, writing a research proposal, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting your results as a research poster

Explore if a career in research is a good choice for you

Build references for your application to graduate school or other professional programs

Participate in professional development seminars that will prepare you to think broadly about STEM career options

Make new friends and explore beautiful Southwest Michigan!


  • We strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups in the sciences, first-generation college students, students that attend colleges with limited research opportunities (e.g., community colleges and small colleges without graduate programs), and US military veterans currently enrolled as undergraduates.
  • You must be a U.S. citizen, or permanent U.S. resident, currently enrolled with undergraduate status to participate in the NSF REU program.
East Lansing