Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024
El Verde REU: Tropical Ecology


Students work on a research project under the advice of a faculty mentor. Students also participate of seminars and workshops on data analysis and presentation, and scientific techniques (e.g., stream studies, population measurements). A responsible conduct component is focused on issues likely to be encountered by students in their careers and discussions on the role of scientists in society. Overall, our goal is to positively impact student careers by providing them with the tools needed to conduct scientific research in any area of science, with emphasis on Tropical Ecology and Evolution, and by stressing the impact that scientists could have in our society if they take active roles.

Our goal is to promote a scientific foundation for students, by:

- Immersing students in an active research environment.

- Providing students with the opportunity to study and conduct research in an ecosystem and culture not easily accessible at their home institution.

- Providing educational activities designed to equip students with the necessary tools to conduct scientific research.

- Providing guidance from established scientists while they develop an independent research project.

This is a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program funded by the National Science Foundation.


  • have US citizenship or permanent residency
  • be an undergraduate student pursuing a bachelor degree at a college or university during the summer
  • have an interest in pursuing graduate studies in ecology or evolution
  • if selected, work full-time in our program, participating in all activities, for 10 weeks during summer (including weekends)
  • be a sophomore or higher with a GPA over 3.0.
  • submit all information required by the deadline

Rio Grande
Puerto Rico