Feb 01, 2024
9 weeks
February 1, 2024
Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast


The Oregon Institute of Marine Biology’s research experience for undergraduates program, “Exploration of Marine Biology on the Oregon Coast” (EMBOC) offers fellowship opportunities for undergraduate students from both 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities to participate in ongoing marine science research at the University of Oregon’s marine lab during the summer months.

In addition to conducting research at OIMB, students participating in the EMBOC program will participate in weekly professional development discussions and training sessions, social activities, field trips and marine biology seminars.


  • Be a US Citizen or a Permanent Resident
  • Be an undergraduate attending a 2-year or 4-year college/university (enrolled in spring and fall 2023)
  • Have completed a minimum of one year of college-level introductory biology classes.
  • Be willing to make a full-time commitment for the 9 week program  (40 hrs/week)