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An REU internship at BIOS is a great way for U.S. undergraduate students to gain the experience necessary to embark on graduate studies or careers in science.
BIOS has National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) funding to support undergraduate student researchers at BIOS during the fall semester. Students will conduct research projects under the expert mentorship of BIOS scientists. The list of 2024 mentors and an overview of potential research projects can be found here.
Throughout the 12-week semester, REUs will give oral and virtual poster presentations that outline their research topic, experimental methods and results and attend a series of professional development workshops and seminars hosted by BIOS faculty. They will also have the option to join field and boat excursions to learn about Bermuda's natural history, flora and fauna. Schedule and weather permitting, REUs will also be offered an exciting opportunity to participate in an oceanographic research cruise aboard R/V Atlantic Explorer.