Feb 20, 2024
10 weeks
February 20, 2024
Georgetown University for Materials Physics


Undergraduate students are invited to apply for a 10-week summer research program to engage in a focused research project in materials physics, working closely with a faculty mentor and other researchers. Taking advantage of Georgetown’s location in the nation’s capital, this REU program also features a science-and-society component that allows students to explore the connection between scientific research and the world outside the laboratory. In addition, REU participants join other science students in a variety of professional development workshops and social and networking activities.

The physics department promotes a culture that celebrates differences and supports individuals in realizing their potential. The REU program is committed to providing a welcoming, inclusive, and collaborative environment for all participants.

This program is funded by the National Science Foundation and Georgetown University.


  • Current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who have completed (or will have completed) at least one year of college-level physics or chemistry, and who are majoring in (or considering a major in) physics, chemistry, engineering, or related fields, are encouraged to apply.
  • Participants must be US citizens or permanent residents.