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This August Woods Hole Sea Grant (WHSG) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) are teaming up with Earthwatch Institute on the Girls in Science (GiS) Fellowship.
This fully-funded (free), week-long, residential fellowship at WHOI aims to promote diversity in STEM and expose high school young women to a variety of marine careers. GiS student fellows work with a predominantly female team of researchers to explore a variety of exciting STEM-related activities and research. The team explores challenges that are unique to women in science. Role models and mentors are introduced throughout the week and career pathway events are hosted to expose the fellows to female undergraduate, graduate, and young career professionals. Fellows get to participate in exercises and skill building to integrate science with arts and humanities. Lastly, the team helps them develop multimedia pieces to tell their 'Story of Science' to their home community.
No experience is necessary. Just enthusiasm for STEM and an eagerness to learn and grow.
The fellows must be residents of MA and attend a high school in the state. Two identical sessions are offered in August.
You can learn more about the program by visiting the website where you will find the application, an informational flyer, and a recording of the information session offered in April.