Jan 08, 2024
10 weeks
January 8, 2024
Gravitational Physics International REU 2024


The University of Florida International REU in Gravitational Physics is a unique opportunity to experience research in world-leading gravitational wave research environments around the world as an undergraduate. After meeting in Gainesville FL at the beginning of the program, students will be placed with mentors at a range of sites in Europe, Asia or Australia for 9-10 weeks during the summer of 2024. We aim to take a total of 12 students, but only 1 or 2 students will be sent to each site. The REU offers a chance for students to broaden their international and cultural horizons and develop a strong sense of independence while conducting cutting-edge research in one of the most exciting and fastest growing fields of modern physics.

A range of project topics is offered encompassing all aspects of gravitational wave physics ranging from experimental laser interferometry to the astrophysics of black holes.

All transport and accommodation costs are paid by the program and students receive a $6000 stipend for the summer.


  • We are committed to building a diverse physics workforce and strongly encourage applications from students with backgrounds that are underrepresented in STEM and first-generation college students.
  • We also encourage applications from students who may not have extensive research programs at their own schools.


  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate course in a U.S. university
  • Applicants must not be planning to graduate before Fall 2024
  • Applicants must hold a valid passport by May 2024
  • Desirable (not essential): Previous research experience, preferably in an REU program