Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
Growing up STEM An Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Undergraduate STEM Education north dakota state university


An REU program in discipline-based education research (DBER)

We are excited to announce a TENTH summer of undergraduate research in discipline-based education at North Dakota State University. The CiDER REU program is for any undergraduate interested in exploring the learning and teaching of STEM at the undergraduate level. Join us for an immersive, 10-week summer research experience. Potential projects are diverse and interdisciplinary. Our program includes on-campus housing, a $6000 stipend, mentoring by some of the best researchers in DBER, and a cohort experience like no other. Women, underserved minorities, and first/second year STEM majors are encouraged to apply. 


  • NSF restricts REU programs to students who are U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States.