Mar 01, 2024
10 weeks
March 1, 2024
GT-IEN Senic Undergraduate Internship in Nanotechnology (SUIN)


A program of SENIC at the Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology, Georgia Institute of Technology. Explore exciting interdisciplinary opportunities in nanoscale science and engineering at Georgia Tech’s IEN facilities. In addition to research, participants will practice science communication methods and learn about entrepreneurship through a series of presentations and customer discovery exercises.


  • US citizen or Permanent Resident
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Not graduating before the end of the program (August)
  • Must attend an institution in the Southeastern United States, including Puerto Rico
  • Cannot be enrolled at Georgia Tech

Note: Georgia Tech students are NOT eligible for the SUIN Program, but they can apply for other internship programs within the NNCI.
