Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)


Through the REU program, we provide a coordinated, educational and dynamic research community to inspire and encourage young scientists to continue on to graduate school.  We emphasize professional development workshops and seminars for a career in science and engineering. Weekly faculty seminars that highlight research and community activities are integrated into the program.

Program Elements

Multidisciplinary Research Projects - Each REU project has a clearly identifiable research goal at a challenging yet appropriate level for undergraduates during the summer program. Participants have the unique opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary environment with highly talented scientific mentors. Most experimental projects involve hands-on research in one or more of the state-of-the-art central instrumentation facilities with training and supervision provided by expert technical staff.

Faculty-Led Seminars - Faculty present on various research topics including discussion of ethical issues.

Technical Writing & Presentation Skill Workshops - Weekly writing and communication workshops assist with the program deliverables and provide insights into technical writing for academic journals, how to improve your personal statements, resumes, etc.

Multimedia & Public Outreach Training - Learn how to effectively communicate research through engaging multimedia presentations and in everyday conversation. Hone your elevator pitch for colleagues and people of all ages in the community.

Graduate School & Career Workshops - Learn from faculty, industry panels, and former REU students about their experiences.

Networking & Social Activities -  Visits to local research institutes are arranged and students explore Boston-area attractions.

Deliverables - A final written report or multimedia project, an abstract, and a presentation before peers for sharing and documenting your research.

End-of-Program REU Symposium - Students present their projects and research results to peers and colleagues.


  • Must be a Citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States for all projects funded by NSF
  • International students will only be considered for projects funded by the Wyss and Rowland Institutes
  • Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate who will not graduate before December of the program year