Feb 07, 2024
8 weeks
February 7, 2024
Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) Internship Program (HIP)


The HSCI summer internship program (HIP) for undergraduates is an 8-week experience dedicated to hands-on research in the laboratory of an HSCI faculty member. The program is an open door; an invitation to learn and do as much as you can to develop your own interests within the overarching topic of stem cell science. Our interns arrive from a wide variety of colleges and universities worldwide. Some have extensive prior academic and research experience with stem cell science while others have little or even none at all. This diversity is part of what makes our program rich and unique but also presents occasional challenges as some students are perhaps further along than others are in certain areas..


  • Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in stem cell research. Program accepts non-Harvard students from US colleges and universities.
  • We are not accepting international applications (including visas) or Harvard students for summer 2024 programming.
  • Must be a rising sophomore or junior at the time the internship begins in June. Applicants must first obtain a HarvardKey to complete the CARAT application.