Feb 18, 2024
10 weeks
February 18, 2024
Harvey Mudd College REU in Computer Systems


The Harvey Mudd College Department of Computer Science is pleased to offer an exciting research experience for undergraduates site in computer science generous support of the National Science Foundation (NSF). The experience intends to balance intellectual challenge and development with the enjoyment that comes with immersion in a research environment.

The program is open to US citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in undergraduate degree programs. All qualifying students are welcome! Both we at HMC and the NSF invest in building diversity in CS. Both encourage members of groups traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary CS to apply. The program involves a total of 10 students working with faculty members at Harvey Mudd for 10 weeks over the summer. Students will receive a summer stipend, as well as on-campus housing and meals at no cost.


This is a federally-funded program and requires that student participants be:

  • At least 18 years old by the start of the program date.
  • A U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or its territories.
  • A student in good standing at an undergraduate degree program who will not have graduated by the end of this REU program.