Mar 06, 2024
9 weeks
March 6, 2024
High School Research Intern 2024


Are you a high school junior or senior interested in gaining research experience? Do you like working outside and learning about plants and insects? Β If so, then our research internship may be right for you!

The Echinacea Project has conducted research experiments on tallgrass prairie plants and insects in the Kensington-Hoffman area since 1995. Prairie used to cover this landscape, but it is now restricted to small patches. We devote a lot of effort to Echinacea angustifolia, the species of purple coneflower native to Minnesota. But we also investigate other plants and insects, including native bees, to gauge the health of native prairies in their current fragmented habitat. Plants and insects in these small habitats face both ecological and genetic threats, and we conduct long-term cutting-edge research experiments to assess whether these populations will persist.

We’re seeking a high school student to participate in a paid, summer-long field biology internship. You will work with PhD scientists, graduate students, and college students to collect data on the ecology and evolution of the purple coneflower in prairie patches. You will participate in field research activities, gain experience in GPS and mapping techniques, learn to identify plants and insects, collect pollinating bees, and measure plant traits. You will work on an independent project with guidance from Stuart Wagenius. Your project will contribute to our main research goals, and in the process, you will learn about the evolutionary, genetic, and ecological concepts that motivate our research. You can contribute to the scientific understanding of the ecology and evolutionary biology of Echinacea angustifolia, another prairie plant species, or plant-associated insects.


  • Members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • High school student who wants to work outdoors, is patient, has good hand-eye coordination, and has fine motor skills.
  • Must be willing to work hard in all weather conditions and be interested in science.
