Mar 31, 2024
10 weeks
March 31, 2024
ICompBio - Engaging Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research


The about 10-week iCompBio REU focuses on interdisciplinary computational biology training to undergraduates in science, technology, engineering, math, and other related fields. Please look through the potential research projects and then choose your preferences of the potential research topics.

  • $6,250 stipend + housing and meal plan
  • Travel allowance up to $500
  • Inter-disciplinary training in computer science and biology
  • Coding boot camp.
  • Diverse range of research topics.

Chattanooga is a great outdoor city

A one-week computing bootcamp will be provided to teach students essential data science using R, and advanced data processing and deep learning methods using Python. Each student will be jointly mentored by a computer science mentor and a biology mentor. The computing training includes coding, modeling, simulation, deep learning neural networks, computer vision,  parallel computing, statistics, data visualization, and mobile App development.


  • Applicant must be a non-graduating undergraduate in a STEM major before the REU program.
  • U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States