Feb 22, 2024
10 weeks
February 22, 2024
Integrative Microbial and Plant Systems Undergraduate Research Experience


The Integrative Microbial and Plant Systems Undergraduate Research Experience focuses on basic and applied questions about plant-microbe interactions in the face of climate change and global food security hardships. NC State has a strong core of plant and microbial biologists who work in the areas of sustainable foods, fuels and computer modeling for studying fundamental biological mechanisms. Four major research themes across these faculty are stress resilience, nutrient acquisition in plant and microbial systems, signaling in plant-microbe systems, and plant-microbiome modeling.

During a 10-week summer program, students actively engage in a research project under the mentorship of a participating faculty member. Participants receive housing on campus, travel expenses when applicable, a food allowance and a stipend of $6,000. This program is funded by the National Science Foundation.

The program kicks off with a three-day “biotechnology boot camp,” where participants will learn critical molecular biology laboratory skills. Participants pursue independent research projects for the remainder of the summer, under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Students also have multiple public-speaking opportunities to present their research, including a poster presentation at the campus-wide undergraduate research symposium at the end of the program.


  • The program is open to all rising sophomore, junior and senior undergraduate students with a demonstrated interest in molecular biology and who are enrolled in a program leading to a baccalaureate degree
  • Applicants will be evaluated based on their statement of interest, transcript and letters of recommendation.
  • We particularly encourage students from underrepresented minority groups and from colleges with limited research opportunities to apply.
  • Prior research experience is not required. NC State is an equal opportunity institution and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status.  
  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or permanent residents of the United States.
