Mar 15, 2024
10 weeks
March 15, 2024
Interdisciplinary Micro/nano/additive-manufacturing Program Addressing Challenges Today – Next Generation (IMPACT-NG)


The University of Louisville J.B. Speed School of Engineering welcomes students this summer to join our research experience for undergraduates in the field of Micro/Nano/Additive Manufacturing.


This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at the University of Louisville trains a diverse cohort of interdisciplinary STEM students in the field of Advanced Manufacturing, with a special emphasis on micro/nano-manufacturing and additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing).  Through structured hands-on micro/nano/additive training classes, personalized independent research projects, professional faculty mentorship, student professional development, and exposure to a wide variety of applications in the fields of health, medicine, defense, security, energy, wearables, and manufacturing, we provide an encouraging program that educates and trains our next generation. Furthermore, our 10-week program supplements undergraduates with technical experiences with programs to improve their oral/written communication skills, opportunities to learn about graduate school, seminars about entrepreneurship, lunch meetings with technical and government leaders, tours of industry manufacturing facilities, ethics training, and a wide variety of organized social activities to make their time in Louisville fun and exciting. 


Provide each student with a personalized research experience related to micro/nanotechnology/additive manufacturing (3D Printing).

Have all students obtain a core competence in the field of micro/nano-manufacturing through a common cleanroom experience where they design, fabricate and test custom solar cells.

Develop each students’ independence and confidence through participation in research, in-house presentations, weekly scientific meetings and research presentations.

Provide complementary programs to enhance their learning and skillset (i.e. seminars on writing, engineering design, critical thinking, ethics, etc), .

Stimulate the students’ interests in graduate careers in related science and engineering disciplines.

Reach out to undergraduates especially underrepresented groups, and make their 10-week experience fun through hands-on research projects and interesting social activities.


  • College undergraduate students in the non-traditional fields of  Physics, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bio-Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Medicine and Biology. 