Feb 01, 2024
10 weeks
February 1, 2024
Research training in the biomedical sciences and engineering


Our Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site (PI: Corey O’Hern; Co-PI: Doro Noble) enables undergraduates interested in pursuing a career in the sciences to conduct interdisciplinary research at Yale for a 10-week period during the summer. Our program focuses on research at the intersection of biology, physics, and engineering and serves as a glimpse of what graduate school at a large research institutions is like.

The REU features a series of workshops, which combine group exercises with short periods of lecturing and discussions, to complement the research experience participants obtain in individual laboratories. The workshops help students develop strong communication skills, briefly explore scientific ethics, and help participants learn about the graduate application process and the difference between a PhD and an MD/PhD. REU participants are provided with the opportunity to present their research to the Yale community, both as an oral and as a poster presentation. Finally, there are several opportunities for REU students to interact with graduate students and postdocs at Yale. We have some social activities in place for students to help them enjoy the weekends and integrate into Yale’s campus and New Haven easily; however, this is not the focus of our program. Instead, we do provide participants with information on nearby recreational areas and points of interest.

This REU Site is closely linked with  Yale’s Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology (PEB), and as such, hosts REU students in the laboratories of PEB affiliated faculty.


  • You must be a permanent resident or a US citizen to apply, you must have health insurance, and you must be enrolled at an undergraduate institution the summer of your internship.
New Haven