Jan 31, 2024
6 weeks
January 31, 2024
Maine Research Internships for Teachers and Students (MERITS) Program


Our Maine Research Internships for Teachers and Students (MERITS) Program provides summer (six weeks) research opportunities to Maine high school juniors in host institutions across the state. Students who are interested in STEM fields and would like to experience “real-time” applications of STEM in a research-focused work world conducting research and technology development should apply.

Our MERITS interns are paid a stipend for their six week summer research experience. Students must be U.S citizens, residents of Maine and must be enrolled at a Maine school to apply to this program.


• Must be a U.S. Citizen

• Must attend a Maine school or be homeschooled and a resident of Maine

• Must have completed 11th grade by June 30, 2024

• Demonstrated interest in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics

• Demonstrated some experience with the use of computer applications

• Has a GPA equivalent of an A

• Able to commit to a Monday through Friday work week for a six-week summer internship

• Able to provide daily transportation to/from the host institution, if applicable
