Feb 16, 2024
9 weeks
February 16, 2024
Northwestern University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates


The Northwestern University Materials Research Science & Engineering Center offers a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program over a 9-week period each summer.

The NU-Materials Research Science and Engineering Center is an interdisciplinary program focused on multi-functional nanoscale material structures.  Over 30 faculty from 7 different departments are involved.  REU students will have the opportunity to contribute to a research project led by a center faculty member and will participate in interdisciplinary research group meetings, expanding their science and engineering experience into a range of fields.  Students with an interest in nanomaterials and majoring in a science or engineering field are encouraged to apply.  Each student will be assigned to a graduate student or post-doctoral associate mentor who will work closely with them.

For an overview of Center research, please visit our research section. A list of some previous projects is also available. Each summer, a range of projects is available in both experimental and theoretical/simulation fields.

At the end of the REU program, the participants will write a technical paper and give a 15-minute oral presentation on their research at a symposium open to the public. Other program activities include a field trip to a national or industrial lab, a beach party or lunch on the lake for social networking, a panel discussion on graduate school admissions, and seminars by Northwestern faculty and graduate students.


  • While there is no strict GPA requirement, the average GPA of admitted students is typically above 3.5. However, we do look favorably upon students who can work through adversity.
  • Most accepted students are rising junior and seniors, though we encourage exceptional younger students who have some independent research experience to apply. You must not have completed your degree before the program begins.
  • Due to NSF funding requirements, our program is open only to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
