Feb 10, 2024
10 weeks
February 10, 2024
Mechanobiology at VCU


Undergraduate Research Experience centered in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. Students will work on biomedical engineering research projects under the supervision of faculty. Research projects will involve experimental and computational approaches to mechanobiology in the areas indicated below. Students will participate in a weekly meeting where research ethics and mechanobiology techniques will be presented. Students will be required to participate in one outreach activity to K-12 students or teachers during the summer. ย Students will also present their own research findings at the end of the summer. This program is sponsored by the VCU College of Engineering and the National Science Foundation.

A stipend of $7000 for the summer will be offered plus on-campus housing will be covered if needed. Women and students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Applications are due February 10th. The program will run for 10 weeks beginning June 3, 2024 .


  • Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent residence and not have completed an undergraduate degree prior to the start of the program.
  • Two names and emails of reference writers (letter writers will be emailed a form to upload prior to Feb 17)
  • Unofficial transcript
  • CV
  • 1 page statement of research experiences and interests