10 weeks
Networked Projects in Cell and Molecular Biology at the Wadsworth Center


The Wadsworth Center has hosted an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer program nearly continuously for over 30 years. The program has trained more than 300 students.

Independent research projects have been conducted in cutting-edge scientific laboratories studying fundamental aspects of cell, molecular and structural biology, organismal and population biology, and genome and evolutionary biology. Students have had the opportunity to participate in collaborative research projects, which network undergraduate students with each other and/or their mentor(s) to help them gain insight into how scientific research is conducted and to prepare them for future careers in science. Training in bioinformatics, oral and poster presentation skills, and other science-related skills has been provided as well. Stipends, meal allowances, travel reimbursement, and housing have been included.


Completed applications require:

  • A curriculum vitae or resume
  • A personal statement (one page) describing your motivation for pursuing a career in the sciences, your field(s) of interest, and why you wish to participate in the Wadsworth Center REU program
  • College transcripts from each undergraduate institution attended (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
  • Letters of recommendation from two faculty members (or other professional persons)
  • Applications are encouraged from students attending colleges with limited research opportunities and from students who are members of groups underrepresented in the sciences, such as women, ethnic minorities, veterans, the physically challenged, and/or those who are the first in their family to attend college.