Jan 31, 2024
10 weeks
January 31, 2024
NSF Engineering Research Center for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT)


Every summer, CMaT provides a paid Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. The REU summer program funds undergraduate students to work in CMaT labs.

Students interested in an experience at Georgia Tech (GT), University of Georgia (UGA), University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM), and University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) for a 10 week hands-on research experience.

REU applications will be evaluated for placement at any of our four (4) CMaT campuses, where students will be paired with a graduate student and a faculty mentor to work on a research project related to cell manufacturing. Example research projects that you could find at our CMaT campuses are listed below.

UGA: Multidisciplinary projects investigating how stem cell therapeutics can be used to treat a variety of diseases such as stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Students will work in one of several areas including, advanced biomedical imaging, bioinformatics or bioreactor design and scale-up.

UW: Interdisciplinary research experiences within the fields of engineering, medicine, and life sciences. Research projects may include stem cells, cancer immunotherapy, omics and bioinformatics, genome editing, imaging and biomaterials, and/or tissue engineering.

UPRM: Development of material scaffolds that could be used for high-throughput cell manufacturing, where students can focus on the understanding of physicochemical properties, biological interactions, and the development of prediction tools for therapeutic potency.

GT: Research projects where students will focus on one or more research areas, such as stem cell therapy and engineering, immune-engineering, organ-on-chip engineering, cancer, multi-omics, systems biology, and/or therapeutic cell manufacturing.


  • Must be 18 yrs old or older and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Must currently be enrolled in a science or engineering undergraduate program (biology, chemistry, physics, materials science, bioengineering, computer science, and related fields)
  • Students from underrepresented minority groups, women, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
