Jan 31, 2025
8 weeks
January 31, 2025
NSF REU SITE: The Language of Science and the Science of Language


The Language Sciences Research Lab is running a 8-week PAID summer research program for undergraduate students interested in LANGUAGE. This program is a hands-on program that requires 35 in-person hours each week. During this program you will:

  • Conduct research with mentorship from OSU faculty members.
  • Learn how to communicate about research and language science with professionals and the public.

This program does not take place on the Ohio State University Campus. Most of your time will be spent at COSI, a public science museum in Columbus, Ohio, or at the STEAM Factory (400 W. Rich St., Columbus, OH), an OSU-sponsored co-working space near COSI.


  • All undergraduate students may apply. We are particularly interested in admitting students with little research experience and also students from diverse backgrounds that are underrepresented in science.
  • We are especially interested in students at OSU’s regional campuses, at community colleges, including Columbus State Community College, and at smaller schools with fewer research opportunities.
  • Home institutions of previous interns have included: Ohio State University, Columbus campus, Ohio State University, Marion campus, Columbus State Community College, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Upper Iowa University, Ohio Wesleyan University, Kenyon College, Southern Arkansas University