Feb 15, 2024
10 weeks
February 15, 2024
Oregon Sea Grant Undergraduate Summer Scholars Program


VIRTUAL ONLY: The International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN)is a community of practice originally co-founded in 2006 by Dr. Dawn Wright, then of Oregon State University. In 2013 ICAN became a project of UNESCO IOC´s International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IOC/IODE) Programme. The long-term strategic aim of ICAN is to encourage and help facilitate the development of digital atlases of the global coast based on the principle of distributed high-quality data and information. These atlases can be local, regional, national and international in scale. The network focuses on sharing knowledge and experience among atlas developers in order to find common solutions whilst ensuring maximum relevance and added value for users. ICAN members seek to play a leadership role in forging international collaborations of value to the participating nations, thereby optimizing regional governance in coastal zone management and marine spatial planning. A major goal is to help build a functioning digital atlas of the worldwide coast based on the principle of shared distributed information. This goal aligns with one of the 10 Challenges of the UN Decade for Ocean Science. In 2024, a Sea Grant scholar would contribute to ICAN’s efforts by helping to grow the network of connected projects and assisting with connecting new projects to relevant global initiatives.

The scholar will learn about a wide range of topics related to international collaboration and data sharing for efforts such as the UN Decade for Ocean Science. Specific topics that the scholar will be exposed to include: i) the range of coastal and marine data and information sharing projects across the globe, including various technological approaches such catalogs, web services, mapping applications, atlases, portals etc. ii) Initiatives for data sharing related to the UN Decade for Ocean Science, particularly The Ocean InfoHub Project, the 10 Challenges- Ocean Decade and various methods of participation, as well as barriers to participation, iii) Communication approaches for information sharing across projects, and research towards a living community inventory of solutions. Most specifically, the scholar would work with the Co-chairs of the ICAN steering group to grow a directory of projects worldwide, accessible via the ICAN website, and will assist with creating linkages between these projects and the various initiatives they can be connected with. We will be also be designing a fall workshop, and the scholar will assist the ICAN Steering Committee with development some of the workshop elements, and development of a web survey and online forms to be used for data collection from participating projects. Scholars with an interest in social media may also assist with contributions to various social media content channels, to enhance outreach and communications.

Remote work: 100% (30% directed research, 40% web page, web directory, web survey and web map building, 10% coordination with ICAN mentors and steering group members, 20% in career enhancement learning opportunities provided by ICAN mentors)


  • MinimumQualifications: ability to meet via Zoom and work with people remotely, interests in international collaborations, coastal management, marine spatial planning, OR information/ data sharing, ability to do independent web research and utilize Google Drive, ability to meet one early morning per week via Zoom with international collaborators
  • Other Optional Qualifications: familiarity with web editing, maps, and graphics programs
  • Eligibility: International students are eligible to apply